Wednesday, July 30, 2008


As I was looking around for sites to use in my 2008 Presidential Election project, I thought about where my students could get information. Naturally in an election year there's no shortage of websites dedicated to the subject, but they all have one thing in common: 99.9% of my students would never visit them if I hadn't made them.

Then there's Wikipedia. I know from the number of poorly-plagiarized essays and papers I have received in recent years that my students are well aware of Wikipedia's existence. Therefore, they know how to use it. So why not capitalize upon that as a teacher?

So, when my students feign complete ignorance of what Wikipedia is and how wikis work, I'll show them...once. After that, I'll pull out my file of confiscated essays by John Q. Wikipedia.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I know it's not necessarily the best website for teaching your kids about elections but check out Rock the Vote - With kids being influenced by the media it might be a good place to start.